Personal data protection implementation policy

Personal data protection implementation policy

Last updated on 23 May 2022

Personal data protection implementation policy

JSC Muita (Muita) is responsible for the processing of personal data and/ or company data in accordance with the current requirements for confidentiality as referred to in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC


Personal data and/ or company data we process

Muita processes your personal and / or company data because you use our services and/ or because you have voluntarily provided us with this data.

We process the following data:

  • name and surname/ company name;
  • addresses;
  • phone numbers;
  • E-mail address;
  • bank account.

Special and/ or confidential personal data we process

Our website and/ or services are not intended to collect confidential personal and/ or corporate data. If you believe that we collect personal information without your consent that you did not provide us with, please contact us by email: We will remove that information upon your request.

Purpose and reason for data collection of natural and legal persons

Muita processes your personal data and/ or company data for the following purposes:

  • processing your payment;
  • communication with you by phone or e-mail, if this is necessary for the performance of our services (obligations to you);
  • supplying our goods or services to you;
  • Muita also collects data about you for statutory purposes, e.g., for VAT purposes.

Automated solutions

Muita shall not take any decision if it is likely that the automated processes will have consequences (significant effects) for natural and/ or legal persons. This means that no changes are made on the basis of the results obtained during the provision of computer - software or system services without the involvement of employees, e.g., Muita.

Muita uses the following computer programs and systems:

CRM. This system is specially designed for Muita and performs all our functions related to order processing: from purchasing, order acceptance and processing to printing invoices to customers to checking invoices to suppliers. All customer data is stored securely in this system in order to provide quality services and manage this process. All components of the program use unique passwords and levels of responsibility for all unique users to protect against unauthorized intrusion.

Microsoft Outlook/ Gmail. Muita uses Microsoft Outlook compatible with Gmail to communicate by email and maintain contact with suppliers. To work with these programs, the employees also have their own personal passwords to prevent from unauthorized hacking.

Retention period of personal data and company data

Muita shall retain your data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which the data were obtained. This applies to all data listed in the "Privacy and/ or Company Data we process" section of this Privacy Policy.

Provision of personal data and/ or company data to third parties

Muita will not transfer your data to third parties and will only provide it to others if it is necessary for the performance of our agreement (under our contract) or if we are required to do so by law. We have data processing agreements with those who use your data to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality. Muita is responsible for this.

Cookies and similar technologies in files

Muita website uses anonymous cookies Google files. They cannot be linked to a company name, employee name, email address or in any other way. This data is stored for an indefinite period of time by Google Analytics, not Muita.

View, modify, or delete your data

You have the right to view, change or delete your saved data. In addition, you have the right to revoke your permission to process the data, revoke your permission to process data with Muita, and transfer the data. This means that you have the right to request us to share the data we hold about you with you or any other person.

You can send a request for review, modification, deletion or transferring of your data, as well as a request for cancellation or transfer by e-mail:

A response to your request will be sent shortly, but no later than in 4 weeks.

How we protect your personal information

Muita protects your data responsibly. To that end, we use all means to prevent unauthorized use, loss, unauthorized burglary and misappropriation, unwanted disclosure, or unauthorized alteration. If you believe that your data is not well protected or that there are any indications that the data has been used, please contact Muita at: